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© 2013-25 Coglode
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© 2013-25 Coglode


We value things more when they’re in limited supply

Social Proof

We copy the behaviors of others, especially in unfamiliar situations

Prospect Theory

A loss hurts more than an equal gain feels good


We’re hardwired to return kindness received


We make very different decisions based on how a fact is presented

Loss Aversion

We feel more negative when losing something than positive when we get it


We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others

Default Effect

We tend to accept the option pre-chosen for us


Our decisions are shaped by memories recalled from things just seen or heard


What we see first affects our judgement of everything thereafter

Autonomy Bias

We have a deep-seated need to control our situations

Peak-End Rule

We remember an experience by its peaks and how it ended

Fast & Slow Thinking

We make knee-jerk spontaneous decisions that can cause regretful damage

Status Quo Bias

We tend to stick with our previous choices, even if the alternatives might be better

Dynamic Norms

We’re more likely to change if we can see a new behavior developing

Round Pricing Preference

We prefer and trust whole numbers over those ending in a 9


Our choices are determined by the information we're shown

Refund Effect

We spend refunds more than other money

Centre-Stage Effect

We prefer the middle option in a horizontal set of choices

Measurement Paradox

We enjoy experiences less when we track them


We’re less likely to complete a task with each step added

In-Group Bias

We tend to favour our group over others

Boundary Pricing

We're more likely to upgrade if the base price feels closer

If-Then Plans

If in this scenario, we then plan to do that, we'll more likely reach our goals

Afterlife Effect

We recycle more when shown what the product will become

Zero Price Bias

We value something more when free over very cheap

Zeigarnik Effect

Incomplete tasks weigh on our minds until done

Tiny Habits

We're more likely to reach goals when broken down into smaller ones

Time Scarcity

We're more likely to act if the clock is ticking…

Temptation Bundling

We're more likely to do the hard stuff when coupled with the pleasant

Surprise Effect

We respond well to positive, unexpected, personal gestures

Sunk Cost Bias

We’re unable to let go of our past bad investments, even if it makes sense to do so

Storyteller Bias

We’re more persuaded by and better recall those who tell stories


We constantly look for ways to improve how others see us

Spacing Effect

We remember things better when repeated over time and across environments

Serial Position Effect

We better remember the first and last items in a list

Segregation Effect

Positive experiences feel better overall when we spread them out

Risk Aversion

We don’t like uncertainty and generally stick to what we know

Rhyme As Reason Effect

Rhyming statements that you hear, they are seen as more sincere


We change our behavior when given gifts that reinforce actions and goals

Reciprocity Decay

Our desire to give back wanes rapidly with time


We’ll do the opposite from what we’re asked if we’re pushed too hard

Product-Person Bias

We look for and value human connections in our products

Present Bias

What we want now is often the opposite of what we aspire to in the future

Picture Superiority Effect

We remember images far better than words

Odor Priming

We’ll pay more when we smell something nice

Nostalgia Effect

Thinking about the past makes us want to spend more now

Metaphorical Shortcut

New or complex ideas are easier understood through existing ones

Mere Exposure Effect

We like things more as they become more familiar to us

Limited Choice

We’re more likely to decide when the options are sensibly restricted

Limited Access

We place greater value in things when there are barriers placed around them

IKEA Effect

We’ll pay disproportionately more for something we’ve helped create

Humor Effect

We’re more motivated by and remember things that make us laugh

Hedonic Adaptation

We feel less joy for a gain and discomfort for a loss as time goes by

Halo Effect

We incorrectly transfer judgements of known attributes onto other unrelated or unknown ones

Goal Priming

When we’re reminded of our aims, we're more motivated to reach them

Goal Gradient Effect

Our efforts increase the closer we are to task completion

Fresh Start Effect

We're more likely to stick to habits made at the start of new time periods

Foot In The Door

Making a small commitment now makes us more likely to agree to a greater one later

Fluency Shortcut

Statements that are easier to understand are more believable

Feedback Loops

We look for information that provides clarity on our actions

Entourage Effect

Our status is elevated when we share our VIP treatment

Ownership Bias

We value things more when we feel we own them

Endowed Progress Effect

We reach our goals faster when we have help getting started

Door In The Face

We're more likely to agree to a small request after first rejecting a larger one

Devil Effect

Our perception of a single negative attribute unfairly bleeds into other unrelated areas

Delay Discounting

We choose smaller, more immediate rewards over greater ones that we need to wait for

Decoy Effect

We’re more likely to buy B over A by adding C to make B look more attractive

Curiosity Effect

We're driven to seek missing info that closes our knowledge gap

Contrast Effect

We better remember products that stand out from their surroundings

Confirmation Bias

We look for information that supports our existing beliefs and ignore what doesn’t


We strive with and against one another for limited resources and status


Once we’ve made a public statement, we make consistent decisions to support it

Collection Bias

We have an emotional need to amass sets of related items


We process information better when put into small groups

Choice-Supportive Bias

We recall more of the positives of our choices over any negatives

Certainty Effect

We crave clarity over chance and make costly sacrifices to get it

Biophilia Effect

We're drawn to living things and become stressed if too detached from them

Availability Bias

Our judgements are heavily influenced by what comes to mind more easily


We have a strong tendency to comply with those in charge

Analysis Paralysis

Our capacity to process information and make decisions reduces with each made

Aggregation Effect

Negative experiences feel less painful overall when they’re bundled together

What's Cooking?

New Nugget In The Wild

How Cadbury reimagine sharing by exposing everyday social tension
How Cadbury reimagine sharing by exposing everyday social tension
This week

New Nugget In The Wild

Leave your cup in our shop
Leave your cup in our shop
This week

New Cheat Sheet

New "Overcoming Reactance" Cheat Sheet
New "Overcoming Reactance" Cheat Sheet
This week

New Cheat Sheet

New "Organisational Change" Cheat Sheet
New "Organisational Change" Cheat Sheet
This week

New Nugget In The Wild

How Hismile limit product access to create excitement, sales & deep brand loyalty
How Hismile limit product access to create excitement, sales & deep brand loyalty
This week

New Pairing

A Monzo case study on saving refunds by default
A Monzo case study on saving refunds by default
This week

New Nugget

Refund Effect (2024)
Refund Effect (2024)
This week


New Nugget 2.0 schematic
New Nugget 2.0 schematic
This week

New Nugget In The Wild

How Experian's CreditLock creates calm with well-designed control
How Experian's CreditLock creates calm with well-designed control
This week

New Cheat Sheet

New "Overcoming Status Quo" Cheat Sheet
New "Overcoming Status Quo" Cheat Sheet
This week


Simplified navigation
Simplified navigation
This week


After ten years, just who is behind Coglode?
After ten years, just who is behind Coglode?
This week